Thursday, August 04, 2005

Glass Explodes!!!

Today at work I just did one of the coolest, yet most retarded, things I've ever done.

So, my boss wanted this 9ft by 3ft pane of glass moved from the upstairs kitchen in our building into our basement. My boss wanted it on top of this shelf that's about 8ft tall. Three of us to do the job. Cake.

One of the other guys and me decide to duo it down stairs. He brings over a small metal cart and figures that can support the middle. We pull it off and set it on the and push a couple feet. I've been told in the past that glass and stone tend to break if you carry them parallel to the ground. I veto that idea and told him to turn it sideways and we just straight up carry it down the flight of stairs to our basement. We get it downstairs trouble free and lean it up against the base of the shelves.

The third guy makes it down and we contemplate our next move. While the third guy and I are looking around for some shit to stand on, the second guy decides, fuck it lets man it up.

He grabs one end and I grab the other. We have a little trouble due to shit being in the way and poor planning on our part. The third guy jumps on the shelf to help us support the huge piece of glass. With this 9ft pane of glass above our heads, the fucker explodes.

Glass shards everywhere.

I started laughing and couldn't stop. It didn't help that when I looked over, one of the painters had seen the whole thing. He was shaking his head like Lee Travino on Happy Gilmore.

Luckily for us nobody got hurt. The other dudes had a couple small cuts and thats it.

Glass owns.


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